Complete Aerodynamic Services
ARA lead the world with our range of services delivering complete seamless solutions across transonic wind tunnel testing, advanced measurement systems, computational aerodynamic consultancy and precision model design and manufacture.
What we do – now and into the future...

- Air data systems
- Configuration development
- Unconventional configurations
- Contact us for your bespoke solution

- Stability and control
- Intake design and performance
- Highly integrated propulsion systems
- Contact us for your bespoke solution

- Conventional wing aerodynamics
- Contact us for your bespoke solution

- Advanced weapon systems
- Contact us for your bespoke solution

- Panel loads
- External stores and carriage release
- Contact us for your bespoke solution

- Weapons bay aerodynamics
- Dynamic aerodynamics
(buffet, manoeuvre, stores release) - Contact us for your bespoke solution

- Jet effects
- Transonic and low supersonic flight performance
- Supersonic performance
- Contact us for your bespoke solution

- Family upgrades
- Unconventional configurations
- Contact us for your bespoke solution

- Transonic cruise performance
- High value design
- Contact us for your bespoke solution

- Advanced ‘conventional wing’ aerodynamics
- High lift systems
- Flexible structures (flutter, gust response)
- Contact us for your bespoke solution

- Stability and control
- Contact us for your bespoke solution

- Podded propulsion systems
- Highly integrated propulsion systems
- Noise measurements
- Contact us for your bespoke solution
ARA is based in Bedford, U.K.; 50 miles north of London. We have worked on many prestigious projects for the World’s major civil, military and missile manufacturers, our expanding global Customer base extending from the west coast of America, across Europe, to the Far East of Asia. Customer confidentiality is an absolute priority at ARA. The company follows quality assured practices and is ISO9001:2015 and ISO14001:2015 accredited.
Unmatched capacity, effectiveness and bespoke services mean tailored solutions meet and exceed the clients requirements with added value in the form of data quality, productivity, expertise and complementary services to deliver real results.
ARA’s new test techniques and design capabilities are aimed at the requirements for the development of the next generation of aircraft.
ARA’s new test techniques and design capabilities are aimed at the requirements for the development of the next generation of aircraft.
Contact us
Aircraft Research Association Limited
Manton Lane, Bedford, England MK41 7PF