RAeS Bedford Branch April Lecture

Hot on the tail of the rescheduled 2021 Sir John Charnley Lecture ‘Confessions of a UAV Entrepreneur’ we have our April virtual lecture ‘Human Factors (HF) Errors and Design’ which looks to be a fantastic insight into the world of Human Factors Engineering, find the lecture details below.
If you have any queries, questions or would like to provide feedback, do not hesitate to contact the Branch via bedford@aerosociety.com
Human Factors (HF) Errors and Design
14 April 2021, 19:00 – 20:00
When things go wrong in complex systems – they are often attributed to Human Error. Labelling something as Human Error feels appealing – we now know what has happened. But really this label is only the start of the story. In this Webinar, we will break down what we know about Human Error, why it is so difficult to define, and why it can be hard to apply to accident events or design issues. We will then discuss some practical tips about effectively investigating human error, learning from it, and ultimately mitigating it in system design. With the hope to get you thinking about what error is, why it happens, and go away with tips about how to work with it.
About the speaker
Vicky Cutler – Head of Human Factors at Lockheed Martin UK Ampthill
Vicky Cutler is a Chartered Ergonomist and Human Factors Specialist who has worked for over 15 years in Aviation and Defence. Vicky is currently head of Human Factors at Lockheed Martin UK Ampthill, advising on the effective design of defence systems to enhance the safety and performance of their Users. Before this role Vicky was Head of Aviation Psychology at MOD, providing human factors support to flight safety across tri-service aviation.